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:: Volume 8, Issue 16 (3-2024) ::
aapc 2024, 8(16): 73-97 Back to browse issues page
Relationship Between National Culture and women’s membership In the Firms’ Board of Directors: An International Study
Behnaz Gholamy1 , Bahman Banimahd 2
1- Ph.D Student, Accounting Department, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran , Iran gholamy.behnaz@gmail.com
2- Professor, Accounting Department, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj , Iran (corresponding Author ) , dr.banimahd@gmail.com
Abstract:   (1095 Views)
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between Hofstede's six cultural dimensions and women's membership on the board of directors of listed firms in 50 countries. The research method for collecting theoretical foundations and research data is the library method. The research method is quantitative in terms of approach and applied in terms of objective and descriptive-correlation type and data analysis was done using logistic regression. The research data for Hofstede's cultural dimensions are extracted from Hofstede's website and the data related to the membership of women on the board of directors of companies are extracted from the published report of Deloitte Audit firm (2021). The research hypotheses were tested based on the correlation method and using binary logistic regression. The findings of the research show that the cultural dimensions of individualism and long-term vision have a significant and positive relationship with the possibility of women's membership in the board of directors of companies, and the cultural component of uncertainty avoidance has a significant and negative relationship with the possibility of women membership in the board. Also, the evidence of this paper confirms that the cultural dimensions of indulgence, power distance and masculinity do not have a significant relationship with the possibility of women's participation in the company's board of directors. This paper emphasizes that the issue of women's participation in the management of companies depends on the factors and cultural values of the countries.
Keywords: National Culture, Women, Board of Directors, International Study
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2024/02/5 | Accepted: 2024/05/25 | Published: 2024/06/17
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Gholamy B, Banimahd B. Relationship Between National Culture and women’s membership In the Firms’ Board of Directors: An International Study. aapc 2024; 8 (16) :73-97
URL: http://aapc.khu.ac.ir/article-1-1227-en.html

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دوفصلنامه علمی حسابداری ارزشی و رفتاری journal of Value & Behavioral  Accounting
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